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                         Get Involved

Volunteer For an Event

Want to get more kids using active transportation to get to school? We need your help! Contact the coordinator for your district to help with one or more of the activities in the list below, including working at a specific school. We'll work to find something that matches your skills and interests.

  • Bike and Pedestrian Safety Classes​ 

  • Crossing Guard

  • Kinder Learn to Ride

  • Community Learn to Ride


Contact your district coordinator if you'd like to volunteer.  We'd love to hear from you!


Bike and Pedestrian Safety

Support 5th and 6th grade students as they learn to safely navigate their neighborhoods!


If you're interested in volunteering with Bicycle Safety Education please sign up to help with a Community Ride below.



Volunteer at a Kinder Learn to Ride or Community Learn to Ride Event!

Help students learn the essential life skill of riding a bicycle! Please sign up at the link below to get involved.

Kinder Learn to Ride

Volunteer as a Crossing Guard!

Help students walk/roll to and from school safely as a crossing guard at key intersections near schools. Please contact us at the email below to get involved:



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Volunteer at a Community Event

We have various events throughout the year that help to promote active and shared transportation. We need volunteers to help at: Bike rodeos, Walk + Roll to School Day, distributing free LTD Bus Passes and other events in the community. If interested, please contact us at the email below:



Become a School Champion!

We provide support to schools to hold events like "Walk + Roll to School Day" and more where we have a liaison, or better yet, a "champion!" That person can be a parent or guardian, school staff, or someone else in the school community.


This rewarding role can be as big or as small as the champion and the school would like; a little effort from a school champion leverages a wealth of resources from the Safe Routes to School program that lead to more kids walking, biking, busing and carpooling!


Contact the Safe Routes to School Regional Coordinator to find out if your school has a champion and how you can help!

Sign up for the SRTS eNews Letter

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